Frequently asked questions (FAQ)


What is custlab?

Custlab is the survey platform of GmbH. Founded in 2000 and based in Monheim am Rhein, GmbH is a specialist agency for e-marketing and online market research. For more than 20 years, we have been supporting companies and decision-makers in creating innovative impulses for active consumer and customer dialog. This only works with your input!

After all, engaged consumers often have very good ideas about how products and services can be made even better. Unfortunately, they rarely have the opportunity to get in touch with decision-makers and present their ideas. At the same time, companies often lack information to optimally adapt their advertising and products to the needs of consumers. However, the custlab survey platform is exactly this interface between you and the company.

However, a survey platform is only as good as its members. Therefore, we are always looking for participants who enjoy taking part in surveys and having their say. No matter how young or old you are, what you do in your free time, or what your profession is - your participation is important to us! For this reason, you will not only receive compensation if you fully participate in a survey, but also - should a survey be finished early for you - you will be credited with a custlab lot, which you participate in the monthly lottery.

Here at custlab you have the chance to earn money for free! We do not believe in obscure "point collection", where nobody can see through the monetary value behind the points. As a serious survey platform, the protection of your data is our top priority and the transparency and clarity of our site is extremely important to us.

How does custlab work?

First, you register on our website and give us some information about yourself (e.g. gender, age, place of residence, hobbies). This information is used to be able to invite you specifically by e-mail to surveys or projects that are of interest to you.

You will receive an appropriate amount of money for each completed questionnaire or project in which you successfully participate. You can view your accumulated credit in your member area. In contrast to many other survey platform operators, custlab allows you to request payment starting at an amount of 5.00 €.

For each successful participation you will receive an amount of money on your custlab account. You can view the accumulated amounts at any time in your member area and request a payout starting at an amount of 5.00 €. If a survey ends prematurely for you because, for example, you do not belong to the target group you were looking for, you will receive a virtual lottery ticket as a thank you, with which you participate in our monthly lottery.

Once a year, we invite you to update your personal information in order to keep your data up to date - an important point, because this way you will continue to receive suitable surveys.

Why should I participate / what are the benefits?

We have contacts with national and international companies, agencies and institutes that are very interested in entering into a stronger dialog with you. Both you and the companies will benefit: You get the chance to have a say and a say. Take part in online surveys and test new products. Your opinion is important and worth money!

With us, you'll receive a cash reward for every survey you complete. You'll also be entered into regularly scheduled prize drawings. Companies gain valuable information from the ideas and suggestions you share, allowing them to develop and improve their products, services and advertising in a targeted way.


Who can register at custlab?

All natural persons over 14 years old can register with custlab.

How can I register?

To register, please click on the following link: Go to registration

Registration with custlab consists of three steps:

  1. Step: Please fill out the registration form
  2. Step: You will receive a registration confirmation email. Please click on the included link to confirm your registration.
  3. Step: Immediately afterwards, you will be invited by email to take an initial survey and asked to complete our basic questionnaire with information about yourself. Please fill out this questionnaire completely, because only then is participation in further surveys possible. Subsequently, you still have the opportunity to fill out other questionnaires on various topics (eg details of your profession, car, etc.).
Is membership at custlab free of charge?

For you as a member custlab is completely free of charge! As an expense allowance, you will even receive monetary compensation for each survey in which you successfully participate.

In addition, registration is of course voluntary and non-binding. You can unsubscribe independently at any time.

What data do I have to disclose?

When you register, we will ask you for the following personal information:

  • First name and last name for salutation
  • Gender
  • Birthday
  • Address (street, house number, zip code, city, country)
  • User name (you can set this yourself)

This data is used so that we can invite you specifically to surveys. A transfer or other use of your data is of course not!

I do not live in Germany. Can I still participate?

Participation at custlab is also possible if you reside outside of Germany! We can also pay panelists from many other European countries via SEPA bank transfer.

If you are resident in the following countries, we can remunerate you without any problems via SEPA bank transfer.

  • AT=Austria
  • BE=Belgium
  • CY=Cyprus
  • DK=Denmark
  • DE=Germany
  • EE=Estonia
  • ES=Spain (including Canary Islands)
  • FI=Finland
  • FR=France
  • GR=Greece
  • IE=Ireland
  • IT=Italy
  • LT=Lithuania
  • LU=Luxembourg
  • LV=Latvia
  • MT=Malta
  • NL=Netherlands
  • PT=Portugal
  • SK=Slovakia
  • SL=Slovenia

Simply enter your IBAN and BIC when registering.

If you do not have a bank account in the above countries, the accumulated credit cannot be transferred to a bank account. Foreign payments are therefore paid out as Amazon vouchers. For this purpose, please write a short email with the subject line "Amazon voucher" to as soon as you would like to request a payout.

I am under 18 years old. Can I still register?

You can also register with custlab if you are under the age of 18

I did not receive the registration confirmation email. What can I do?

The fact that the registration confirmation email did not arrive may be due to the following reasons:

  • Our registration confirmation is mistakenly located in the spam / unknown folder of your email inbox.
  • You inadvertently entered an incorrect email address during registration.

Please check the spam folder of your e-mail box. If you cannot find an email there either, please contact:

To ensure that our emails always reach your inbox, you should add our sender ID to the address book / list of known senders in your email program.

Surveys / Market research projects

What exactly are "questionnaires"?

Immediately after registering with custlab, you have the opportunity to tell us more about yourself, your preferences and interests in the "Questionnaires" section. As the name "Basic Questionnaire" already suggests, this forms the basis of your profile at custlab. In the other questionnaires, you can then provide further information in topic blocks such as leisure time, job or mobility.

With the help of the information from the questionnaires, we can better assess which surveys really suit you and whether you belong to the target group we are looking for. The more information you complete, the greater the likelihood that you will be invited to participate in exciting survey projects. At the same time, this also increases your earning potential at custlab.

In order for us to be able to send you suitable surveys, we ask you to update the questionnaires regularly. You should update your questionnaires after 12 months at the latest. If you fill out more questionnaires, your chance to be invited to suitable surveys increases! This way you earn more money!

As a custlab member, please keep your information as complete and up-to-date as possible. As a small reward you will get 5 custlab lots credited to your account if you have filled out a questionnaire completely for the first time.

How often do surveys take place?

How often surveys take place varies from week to week. In addition, not every custlab participant is invited to every ongoing survey, but only to those that also match the profile. For example, if you have indicated in your basic information that you do not own any pets, you will not be invited to a survey about dog food. On average, you will probably receive about 5-6 invitations per week.

When do I receive the first invitation to a survey or market research project?

Immediately after registration and confirmation, you will receive the first invitation to a survey by e-mail. You will be asked to fill out our basic questionnaire with information about yourself. Following this, you will still have the opportunity to fill in further questionnaires on various topics (e.g. details about your profession or car). The more questions you fill in, the higher the probability that you will be invited to surveys by e-mail.

I have received an invitation to a survey. The link to the survey does not work - what can I do?

If the link in the survey invitations does not appear or does not appear correctly, please check the security settings of your browser and email account and enter and in your contacts.

If the link still does not lead to the desired survey or if you experience other problems with surveys or market research projects, please contact us at To do so, please send us an explanation of the problem and the relevant survey invitation. We will promptly review your issue and provide assistance as quickly as possible.

What happens if I am not part of the desired target group?

We make every effort to invite you only to those surveys whose target group you also belong to. Nevertheless, it is possible that it only becomes apparent during a survey that you do not fit into the requested target group.

If it becomes clear when answering the first questions that you do not belong to the desired target group, the survey will be terminated early for you. As a small thank you, you will then receive a custlab lot credited to your user account. With the lot you automatically take part in our custlab raffle - with a little bit of luck you can win credit in the amount of 5,00 €.

I have technical problems with a survey. What should I do?

If you have (technical) problems with a survey, we can best help you if you photograph or take a screenshot of the respective problem and describe it as precisely as possible. At best, you can tell us the survey number or the topic mentioned in the invitation. The easiest way for us to assist you is to reply to the specific invitation email and possibly attach screenshots etc. We will do our best to give you feedback on your question as soon as possible, but we ask for some patience. We will take care of your request in any case.


How will I be rewarded / what can I earn?

For each survey you complete or project you successfully participate in, we will pay you a monetary amount as an expense allowance and thank you. The earnings per survey and project depend mainly on the survey length, your required time for participation as well as the target group the customer is looking for.

You can view your accumulated balance in your member area and request a payout to your bank account at any time. Unlike many other survey platform operators, payouts can be requested from a credit balance of 5.00 €.

Should it turn out during the first questions of a survey that you do not belong to the target group asked for and the survey is ended early for you, you will receive a virtual lot from custlab as a thank you. With every raffle lot you receive, you automatically participate in the monthly custlab raffle. Per raffle lot you have the chance to win one of ten 5,00€ prizes. The more lots you have, the greater your chance of winning!

How can I payout my earnings?

You can independently request a payout of your accumulated credit. Please check in advance whether you have entered your correct bank details in the member area under "Bank details". You can initiate the payout in your member area under the menu item "Apply for payout" to your bank account.

As soon as your accumulated balance is 5.00 € or more, you can request a payout. Please note: Between request and actual bank transfer may take several weeks.

If you do not have a bank account from the European countries mentioned under point 2 (AT, BE, CY, DK, DE, EE, ES, FI, FR, GR, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, NL, PT, SK, SL), the accumulated credit cannot be transferred to a bank account. Foreign payments will therefore be paid out as voucher. To do so, please write a short email with the subject line "Amazon voucher" to as soon as you want to request a payout. Please note that an Amazon voucher is an alternative to a foreign payment. Accordingly, you can only request this if you do not have a corresponding bank account and your balance exceeds an amount of 10.00 €.

My account balance was set to 0.00 € after the withdrawal request, but the money has not yet reached me, why?

After requesting the payout, your account balance will be instructed on the 1st day of the following month for processing and payment of the current amount. Your account balance will then be reset to 0.00 €. However, the actual receipt of money on your bank account can take up to a maximum of six weeks due to the large number of transfers. We ask for your understanding for this.

Can my earnings expire?

When you terminate your account, any credit you have accumulated so far will be forfeited. If your account is at least 5 €, you must request the payout before membership termination and wait until your credit has been successfully paid out.

What is a custlab lot?

With the custlab lot, we offer an additional reward for our survey participants. If, for example, it turns out after the first questions of a survey that you do not belong to the desired target group, the survey will be ended early for you. As a thank you for your effort, a lot will be credited to your custlab account. Another way to get raffle lots is to participate in quick surveys in your user account. Each answered quick survey is rewarded with 10 lots. As a special bonus, you will already receive the first lots after registering and filling out our questionnaires.

With custlab's virtual raffle lots, you will regularly participate in the monthly raffles. The raffle takes place every month in the first calendar week. The lots are automatically collected until the next raffle takes places. In each raffle there are 10 winners, who each get 5,00 € credited to their custlab account.

If a survey is cancelled, the lots will not be credited, as is the case with remuneration.

Push notifications

What are push notifications and how do they work?

"Push" is a technology that makes it possible to receive notifications directly via the web browser without having to open an email or an app. They appear in the browser as small messages, even if the website is not open. Here at custlab, you can receive invitations to new surveys in this way.

Do I have to install a separate app for push notifications?

No, a separate app is not required for push notifications. You can receive the notifications directly via your web browser. It is a user-friendly and uncomplicated way to access current surveys at custlab.

Do push notifications work on all devices?

Yes, push notifications work on most modern web browsers and devices. This includes desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Please make sure that your browser supports push notifications.

Why should I sign up for push notifications?

By signing up for push notifications, you will receive instant notifications about current surveys without having to search through your email inbox. This gives you quick and direct access to surveys so you never miss an opportunity.

How do I activate push notifications in my user account?

You may have already received a request for activation. If you have not accepted this, but have now changed your mind and would like to activate push notifications, visit the "Preferences" page and use the "Subscribe" button there.

Will I still receive email invitations if I sign up for push notifications?

Yes, you will continue to receive email invitations to our surveys. The activation of push notifications simply provides an additional and immediate notification method for faster participation in surveys.

Can I deactivate push notifications if I no longer want to receive them?

Yes, you have full control over the push notifications. You can deactivate them at any time on the "Preferences" page in your user account by using the "Unsubscribe" button.

Data privacy

What happens to the information I provide during registration?

All personal information that you provide as part of your registration (registration form, questionnaires) is used to be able to invite you to suitable surveys and projects in a targeted manner.

custlab is part of GmbH. GmbH is a member of the German Dialog Marketing Association (DDV) and has signed the DDV Code of Ethics E-Mail Marketing. In addition to the applicable legal requirements, the codes of honor contain specific commitments to compliance with data and consumer protection, seriousness, truth and clarity, internal organizational obligations (e.g., employee training and monitoring), and defined quality and performance standards. Of course, we work in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and all other data protection regulations, thus ensuring the confidentiality of all personal data.

We guarantee that we will not pass on any data that reveals who you are. Consent to participate is voluntary and can be revoked at any time. The data we collect is used exclusively for scientific and market research purposes, i.e. your data will not be misused for advertising purposes or promotional emails. All our security precautions are state of the art. We ensure absolute protection and security of your data.

What happens to the information I provide in surveys or market research projects?

The information provided in surveys is stored in anonymous form. Each participant receives a random participation code per survey / project. The survey results never contain information that allows conclusions to be drawn about your person. No one will know which answers you have given personally. Your name and (e-mail) address will not be passed on to third parties. The data is only evaluated in summarized form, e.g. "25% of respondents say that the service was very satisfactory".

If your contact data is requested as part of a survey (e.g. for a product test), this is done exclusively on a voluntary basis and only for the purpose of market research. The collected data (e.g. postal address for delivery of the test product) will be used exclusively for project-related purposes and deleted afterwards. The contact data will never be merged with the information provided in the surveys, i.e. it cannot be inferred which rating you have given for the product to be tested.


How can I terminate my membership?

You can terminate your membership independently at any time in your member area under the menu item "My Data - Access Data". Your membership with custlab will then be terminated. Please note that a subsequent payment of the credit is no longer possible.


I have forgotten my access data / password: What can I do?

You can use the link "Forgot password" to request that a link be sent to the email address you provided to us. By clicking on this link, you will be given the opportunity to enter a new password and will then be logged in directly once.

If you do not receive the password reset email within 5 minutes, it is possible that it has ended up in your spam folder. Otherwise, please contact us at

I would like to update my information: How can I do that?

You can update your data independently at any time. To do so, log in with your access data and click on the link "My data". Here you will find your personal data such as your address, your bank details and information about yourself that you have filled in.

How can I log out again?

You can log out by clicking on the "Logout" button above.

I have a question that has not yet been answered here: Who can I contact?

You can email us anytime at We are looking forward to your message!